Thursday, July 16, 2015

#HAHN Live Tweet Adventure!

I had a great time tweeting #HAHN live this week. It was a first. My very fist tweet was 'Favorited' by Sheri Salata, President of Harpo Studios! My 15-year old daughter was certain to let me know that it probably wasn't her. I was tickled, nonetheless and further overjoyed when @SheriSalata re-tweeted and commented on one of my tweets!  Really, I was over the moon and immediately professed that I must continue to tweet! Tweet! Tweet!

I really didn't know what to expect. And I must admit that I was a bit stumped on how to 'tweet-live.' So, I did what most well-read high performing adults do -- I went to..
and learned everything I needed to know about Live Tweeting! 

My daughter gave me the best advice, she said, "Mom just tweet what you are thinking, don't worry about who responds." And I did.  On top of that I took SocialBro's advice and looked up the hashtags and jotted down a list of important HAHN character names to tweet about. I really had no strategy beyond posting at least 20 tweets during the 1 hour program.  I laughed the entire time, at my tweets and the other  #HAHN tweets. I even picked up 3 followers!! Until the next Twitter assignment I'll be tweeting #HAHN on Tuesday nights when the latest episode comes out -- I don't want to disappoint my new friends!

The Haves and Have Nots is a popular weekly hour long soap opera drama from famed producer, actor, creator, Tyler Perry on the OWN Network.  It's raunchy, sophisticated and entertaining (if you are into soap operas.) 

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