Well here it goes...Renee's journey with California Baptist University towards a Master's in Public Relations.
Joshua 1:9 reminds me to be strong and courageous and so I will. I know the Lord is with me every step of the way and will keep me and help me to grow and reach the high calling of God in Christ Jesus!
I am excited to start this journey to update my PR skills for the projects that I face at work and in civic, social and church groups. My plate is full -but it is tasty and satisfying to my soul! I'm a wife and mother of 2 daughters (10 & 15) and full-time Director of Individual Giving and Public Relations at Los Angeles Christian Health Centers. I was drawn to get a master's in Public Relations after realizing that while I have devoted lots of energy to keeping my fundraising skills up to date, the skills in journalism and public relations that early on propelled my career in the non-profit arena have been neglected:( or may be stale?:) I'm up for the challenge and excited to learn more.... My first semester includes 2 classes: New Media Strategies and History & Theory of Public Relations!!!
So after 24-years, I am a student! A graduate student in a new land at CalBaptist!